Friday, August 12, 2011

Be the Chef with Chef Boyardee & It's All Fun 'N Games House Party

Be the Chef with Chef Boyardee

I just applied to be a host on HouseParty for "Be the Chef with Chef Boyardee". I hope I get it!!!  My kids goes through loads of these, whether they are Spaghetthi & Meatballs or Ravioli!  It's a easy and simple, when you are too busy to make a full course meal for lunch or dinner.  I even enjoy eating the Spaghetthi & Meatball one. LOL.

I also applied for "It's All Fun 'N Games" House Party, b/c I know my husband enjoys board games and we are always look for something new to play. Maybe we can win this one and add it to our board game collection?

Thanks HouseParty for always have great parties to apply for!

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