Thursday, July 21, 2011

My day

I had butterflys in my stomach all day, b/c today was the day, where I had to go to the dentist to get my temporary crown removed, and replaced with my permanent crown.  I don't mind the dentist, if it's just a regular visit, but when it has to do with cavities or crowns, I tend to get nervous. I go to Professional Lane Dental Associates and I found them by searching the internet. Dr. Hein is an awesome dentist and I even referred my husband to her. It took less than 30 minutes for her to get the temp out and the permanent crown in.  We left to go home and I had to get my 8 yr old ready for his 3rd football practice.  Everything was great, until it was time to leave and I tried to start my car.  The Yukon wouldn't start. I was freaking out, b/c my husband was at work and wouldn't get off til morning and so I told my son to get his coach and all of them came over and figured out that the battery was dead.  Thank goodness, they were kind enough to help us, b/c I had my three boys with me, one of them being a 10 month old baby.  But we got the help we needed, and the car was jumped off and we made it home safely.  That was our day.

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