Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Redbook & L'Oreal Paris Happy Hour House Party

I absolutely LOVE House Party! If you don't know what it is, it is a great place to apply to host FREE parties for major companies/brands in the comfort of your own home. They provide you with a House Party Kit that is usually mailed out about a week, before you are due to host your party. I have won TONS of parties through them and I can vouch that they take care of their party hosts. The latest House Party that I won is the Redbook & L'Oreal Paris Happy Hour House Party. They had 10,000 host spots open this time, when in the past few years, it has only been 1,000. I was so excited to have gotten the e-mail that I had a chance to be a host again(I got it two years ago, too). I hurried up and logged in and secured my spot. 

I was super excited, when my party pack arrived on UPS on Friday, Sept 5th. (And yes, I was stalking him. LOL. Mr. Tommy knows me pretty well. I'm usually waiting at the back door waiting for him to come up our deck, when I hear his UPS truck drive up, if I know I am expecting a package.)


Here is the items in our Party Kits this year:

  • 1 Copy of the all-new REDBOOK (September Issue)
  • 1 Full Size Miracle Blur™ Instant Eye Smoother
  • 1 Sheet (for you to cut out and distribute) of 16 $2 Revitalift® Miracle Blur Instant Eye Smoother coupons
  • 6 Total Repair Advanced Haircare Packettes
  • 10 Triple Resist Advanced Haircare Packettes
  • 11 Free 1-year subscription cards to REDBOOK for guests (pink bar)
  • 11 Free 1-year subscription cards to REDBOOK for friends (black bar)
  • 13 Revitalift® Miracle Blur Instant Eye Smoother Samples
  • 15 Colour Riche® Extraordinaire Lipcolour
  • 30 Revitalift® Miracle Blur Original Beautiseals (2 per guest)
  • 45 Revitalift® Miracle Blur Instant Eye Smoother Beautiseals (3 per guest)

  • Did I mention that all of this was FREE? House Party has parties that you can apply for all of the time. It doesn't hurt to apply for every SINGLE one of them. The last party I got was the Hasbro Game Night one back in May/June. It was AWESOME, too! I will post how my party went in a new blog post.  Go to House Party to create and apply to host your very own House Party! GOOD LUCK! ;)