Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Madagascar 3 Party Sponsored by: Children's Claritin

On Thursday, May 31st, we had our Madagascar Party and we had such a blast. I thought the rain would affect the turnout of our party, but it went away about two hours before, we had the party. THANK GOODNESS! I served hotdogs, corndogs, popcorn and juice for the Moms and kids. We even had a couple of circus/carnival type games outside for the kids to play and win tickets to turn in for prizes.  I was sent a party pack for this event that consisted of the movies: Madagascar 1 & 2 DVD, and Claritin samples for Adults & Children to give out to my guest.  Here is some pictures of our event!

After we ate and played the activities outside, we came inside and watched Madagascar 2. The kids had a wonderful time and after the movie, they all left with a goody bag that I provided.

This Madagascar 3 Party was sponsored by Children's Claritin and as part of me being a Claritin's Mom Crew Member!

Disclosure: I was provided with samples and giveaways in exchange for hosting this party. All opinions are my own, as always.